Publication Feature

Publication Feature: SURG 542 Directed Study in Global Surgical Care – Student Reviews Published

Publication Feature: SURG 542 Directed Study in Global Surgical Care – Student Reviews Published

In SURG 542, students carry out an exhaustive search of the world literature, on a global surgical care topic of their choice. Congratulations to several of our MGSC alumni who have had their manuscripts from their reviews published in preeminent journals. See below and click on the links to read. Richard Bresler Esther Chin Ryan […]

Publication Feature: Training and capacity building in obstetric fistula repair: A scoping review

Publication Feature: Training and capacity building in obstetric fistula repair: A scoping review

Esther Anne Chin (our MGSC alumni) and Steven Arrowsmith have recently published a scoping review on training and capacity building in obstetric fistula repair. For more info, click on the link. Abstract Background An ongoing barrier to sustainable obstetric fistula (OF) care is the lack of trained fistula surgeons. Despite a standardized training curriculum, data […]

Publication Feature: Pediatric Burn Care in the Developing World: Where Are the Gaps in Research and What Can Be Done?

Publication Feature: Pediatric Burn Care in the Developing World: Where Are the Gaps in Research and What Can Be Done?

MGSC student, Richard Mark Bresler, along with his two other colleagues published an article in the Journal of Burn Care & Research looking forward to discover more about the gaps in the research of Pediatric Burn Care and what can be done to address these issues. Click on the link to read the full publication. […]

Publication Feature: Surgery in the western Canadian Arctic: The relative impact of family physicians with enhanced surgical skills working collaboratively with specialist surgeons

Publication Feature: Surgery in the western Canadian Arctic: The relative impact of family physicians with enhanced surgical skills working collaboratively with specialist surgeons

Ryan Falk (MGSC alumnus and current BGSC Faculty member) and Dawnelle Topstad recently published an article in the Canadian Journal of Rural Surgery seeking to understand the relative impact of family physicians with enhanced surgical skills (FP-ESS) and Specialist Surgeons in the surgical care of a mostly Indigenous rural and remote community in the western […]

Publication Feature: Postoperative morbidity and mortality in pediatric indigenous populations: a scoping review and meta-analysis

Publication Feature: Postoperative morbidity and mortality in pediatric indigenous populations: a scoping review and meta-analysis

Rachel J. Livergant (current GCGSC student) Dr. Shahrzad Joharifard, Dr. Emilie Joos (our very own Associate Director!), and members of the Global Surgery Lab and others recently published an article in the Pediatric Surgery International examining the surgical outcomes for Indigenous pediatric patients compared to non-Indigenous populations globally. To read the full text, please visit […]