Publication Feature: Postoperative outcomes for Indigenous Peoples in Canada: a systematic review

Publication Feature: Postoperative outcomes for Indigenous Peoples in Canada: a systematic review

Dr. Nadine Caron, co-instructor of SURG 518,  recently published a systematic review of studies estimating the association between Indigenous identity and surgical rates or outcomes in Canada. To read the full text, please visit here.  

Reading Recommendations

Reading Recommendations

Looking for your next read? Here are a few recommendations from our students and faculty! Health Equity in a Globalizing Era: Past Challenges, Future Prospects by Ronald Labonte and Arne Ruckert Why do some countries and populations suffer from poverty and ill health, whilst others are more prosperous and healthy? What are the inherently global […]

Graduate Feature: Emma Sumner

Emma Sumner is currently a 4th year OBGYN resident at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS with research interests in Global Health. She has completed projects in wheelchair donation evaluation in Haiti, and obstetric simulation in Ghana. Currently, she participates in and coordinates a Well Woman clinic for refugee women in Halifax and sits on the […]

Conclusion of the Bethune Round Table 2021

Conclusion of the Bethune Round Table 2021

  BISC participated in the 2021 Bethune Roundtable virtual conference which just successfully concluded!

SURG 560 Final Report: Assessment of Primary Health Care Workers’(General Practitioners/ Nurse Practitioners) Knowledge of Diabetic Foot Ulcer/Infection (DFU/I) Standards of Care and their Awareness of Available Resources in Rural Central Newfoundland

SURG 560 Final Report: Assessment of Primary Health Care Workers’(General Practitioners/ Nurse Practitioners) Knowledge of Diabetic Foot Ulcer/Infection (DFU/I) Standards of Care and their Awareness of Available Resources in Rural Central Newfoundland

David Isa, a student of the MGSC program, recently published their SURG 560 final report to UBC cIRcle. This report is a summary of the final practicum project “Assessment of Primary HCWs (GPs/NPs) knowledge of DFU/I standards of care and their awareness of available resources in rural Central Newfoundland” conducted Jan 2021 – Feb 2021. […]